Sunday, October 1, 2017

Girls team first Boys team 7thh
We  won the traveling Cheetah trophy.  

Monday     Practice at Orchard Downs 5- 6:00pm.   Varsity indians
Tuesday      No practice 
Wednesday Practice at Orchard Downs  5-6:30 pm pick up at Custard Cup
Thursday    Practice at Saint Thomas More  5-6pm

Friday No practice

Sectional Race at Saint Thomas More  
We need help running the course. If you can help please email  Thanks
Meet 8:45 am 
Walk the course at 8:00am
Girls race at 9:00am
Boys race at 10:00am

Results at 11:00am

We are ordering from Jimmy Johns  to deliver to Saint Thomas Moore at 10:45am
before the results
The menu below I need your order  and money by Wednesday
We are ordering from the Prospect  Jimmy johns