Practice & Schedule

Saint Matthew Cross Country Schedule

Runners are encouraged to bring water bottles and sport watches to practice on a daily biases. Please label your water bottle with your last name in large print. A five gallon water cooler will be available at most practices. By re-using water bottles we will keep litter to a minimum.

Practices began on August 1 st , and are located at 1800 South Lincoln Ave Urbana Practices are held Monday's through Friday's and it is CRUCIAL for all runners to be on time.

During practices we will have announcements, stretch, do our work out, and cool down.   Any street running will be done by varsity runners who will have a parent or college student running with them for safety.

Start June 2  At Panera 6:30am to 7:30 am 4 mile Jog  Runners and Parents welcome optional
Starting June 6th Hill running at Orchard Downs  5:30 to 6:30 pm for runners  optional

As of TBA(First day of official practice)
Mornings 6:15 am to 7:30 am at Orchard Downs

As of TBA (first day of school)
5pm -6:30 at Orchard Downs

Any questions as to where practice is please check the blog site or google calendar.

Each month our runner have goals:
June and July        Conditioning Training
August                  Conditioning for Races
September            Speed training
October                Racing

Fun activities include:
Jello wars, Water bottle battles, a custard run, a Culver run, pizza parties at camp rose and, Dinner  before sectionals and for the final banquet before State.