Monday, September 3, 2018

Week 6

Monday   Run on your own

Tuesday   Practice At Orchard Downs 5:00 to 6:15

Wednesday Practice At Orchard Downs 5:00 to 6:15 Ramp running

Thursday  Race Dawson Creek  Road Race  PR Race

The start of Race is on the east side of the Lake ( See map)

Race starts at 4:00pm
New this year. We are planning to share  food and drink with Tri-Valley  
They do not charge us for this race. 
I will be bringing Ice and Gatorade, 
Please bring something to share it is greatly appreciated.  
Fruit is good choice

Friday  No practice

Saturday   Parkside Race

This is the State course. It is a chance to see how you would run at state
There will be over 300 runners per race. Learn how to run in large groups

Walk the Course 8:15
Coach Meeting 8:45
Girls Varsity  9:30
Boys Varsity 10:00
Girls Open     10:30
Boys Open   11:00

25 Medals  individual for Varsity and Open Race

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