Monday, August 8, 2011

The final sayings for the shirt

 'Can I give more?'.  'Yes'!
Stamia, Speed, Strength, Skill and Spirit
one chance is all you need
Why is everybody chasing me???
All it takes is all you got.
Every day is a good day when you run."
the will to prepare is vital.
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
run,walk,or crawl just never give up
Little by little does the trick
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Latin sayings
Curro ergo sum (I run therefore I am)
"Veni, vidi, curroi" (I came, I saw, I ran.)
Sine Virtus, Sine Laus." (Approx. "No guts, no glory")
May the course be with you!
Eat. Sleep. Run.
The first two are optional!
Respect all. Fear none!
No time limit.
No speed limit.
No dream limit!
The pride you gain is worth the pain
All it takes is all you got.
Attitude and effort are what transfer dreams to reality
Stamia, Speed, Strength, Skill and Spirit
one chance is all you need
Why is everybody chasing me???
All it takes is all you got.

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