Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sept. 23rd to Oct. 3rd

Monday: Practice Orchard Downs 45 min of running 

Tuesday: Unity Race Races start at 3:30 Course walk at 2:30 

Wednesday: Practice at Orchard Downs 

 Thursday: Practice at Orchard Downs 

 Friday: No practice

 Saturday: Monticello race at Lodge Park

This is Last Week of competition.

I have pick the Varsity 7 that will be running at Unity. (Post Above ^^^)

State Team will be decided Saturday After the Monticello Race

Ten Runners will be on State Team

The top seven will run other three are alternates.

They will have to practice with the top Seven.

If you are on the state team Cross Country has 1st priority over other Saint Matthew sports.

Please keep in mind that homework and studies are always first priority.

If anything is going to be a conflict please see me as soon as possible and definitely talk to me before Monticello Race.

Oct 3:

Varsity practice. All runners are welcome to come to practice. Practice will be focus on the State runners

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