Saturday, October 18, 2014

State Wow!!!!

What a season!!!  Coaches and I are proud of all the runners this year. First year we had all runners and no walkers. First year we had everyone run  faster than 21 minutes for 2 miles.  First year with no major (running )injuries ,Mikey,  I was excited to see a lot of non varsity runners at state.  The competition for next year will be fun to watch.  Everyone ran this season with heart and should be proud of what you accomplish.

Several have ask about running in off season.  You have speed what you need is endurance to maintain speed. Easy running does it.  Start off with a couple of miles and slowly work up to five miles like we did this season.  The key is to run slow and easy and then slowly increase your distance 1/4 mile every few weeks.  If you want to make varsity next year this is the key to achieving that goal.  If you can run 5 miles easy at the beginning of season and not be sore or winded the next day the sky is the limit to how fast you can run.   Remember not to exceed five miles, just make it comfortable to run the 5 miles. Running parents get out with this runners now. Soon they will be passing you by. I remember my kids passing me by.

The girls got 7th place
The boys got 4 h place
Joe, Luke, Fran, and Bella  placed in the top 25 and medal

Result are posted in the Blog

We are meeting Next Sunday ( a week from tomorrow) at 3:00pm at Orange and Brew.

Please turn in you uniforms. Placed them in a bag with your name on them  at the Party. Push ups for those that do not turn them in by the time of Party

We will be recognizing the eight grade runners  and few runners that inspire the spirit of Saint Matthew. If you want to bring a gag gift for eight graders that is fine. Please do not embarrass you and the eight grader. See me before the awards 

Again thanks for letting be part of your children's life. I truly enjoy running with them. You should be very proud at how hard they all work.

See you at the Party and also next season


Saturday, October 11, 2014

State Bound !!!

Thanks to all the parents for helping with running  today. We can not put this race on without your help. Thanks Coach Behm the course was great.

Both Teams will be going to State.  A lot of PR today. Great job Running. When you see the results you will be surprise. Thanks for trusting me. I week left
Results will be posted this evening.

Thanks to the  coaches for their help today.

Practice for next week

Sunday. Run for 30 minutes easy running.  Stay warm and run in morning or early afternoon.
Monday 6:15am to 7:15 am  Meet at Saint Matthews running to Panera. Pick up at Panera
Tuesday 6:15am to 7:15 am meet at Saint Matthews' Gym Bagels in Gym Cafeteria after running
Wednesday 6:15 to 7:15 am  meet at Saint Matthews' Gym Bagels in Gym Cafeteria after running
Thursday run at 5:00 to 6:00 pm  Meet at Saint Matthews school and running to Custard Cup
Friday no practice  jog on you own
Saturday STATE  run like there is no tomorrow

Do You homework
Keep some sleep
Say your prayers
Playing another sport this week don't go crazy Emery, We are in recovery mode .Let me know at practice if you had a hard work out . I don't want any injuries.
Boys State Runners
alt are Nick,Alex and Kennedy

Girls State Runners
Anna Kate
alt are Molly, Cassie, Megan

Alt need to be at practice in case someone is injured

It has been a pleasure and honor to run with you. Now lets go win some state hardware
Good Luck

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Week 10 Congraulations to all the runners

Those that left early miss out on some excitement.  Varsity Boys and Girls team came in first.
 They won the traveling Cheetah trophy.  They score a perfect score
Practice at Orchard Downs 5- 6:15pm.  Last practice for non state team
PBL invitational  Walk the course at 3:15

PBLJH  Panthers Invitational
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
At PBLJH School

Race Times
4:15 –5/6 Boys;  4:17 – 5/6 Girls;  Boys to go first followed by the girls 2 minutes later.
4:45 –7/8;  Girls; 5:15 – 7/8 Boys

Awards for the meet are as follows:
Boys 5th & 6th – Medals 1 – 20            Girls 5th & 6th – Medals 1 – 20
Boys 7th & 8th – Medals 1 – 20            Girls 7th & 8th – Medals 1 – 20

Participation Ribbons for places after 20 will be given to all other participants.

Awards will be given at the finish line.  There is no awards ceremony.  Results will be emailed and posted online.

Cost is $60 per school with checks made payable to PBL Panthers.  Send to Mike Brehm, PBLJH Cross Country, Box 50, Paxton, IL  60957 

Restrooms are in the junior high school.

Tents to be set up in the starting line area.      

Rain Date – Wednesday, October 8.

Practice at Orchard Downs 5-615 pm  top ten runners (state team)

Practice at Saint Matthews  Jello wars  all runners

Friday No practice

Sectional Race at Saint Thomas More
Girls race at 10:00am