Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 5

Great running at PBL and Edison Meet..
The results are posted.
Some correction made when I received Edison results and Paxton.

This Week

Monday  Orchard Downs practice 5 pm to 6 :15pm
Tuesday Orchard Downs practice 5 pm to 6 :15pm
Wednesday:Orchard Downs practice 5 pm to 6 :15pm
Thursday :  Change   Meet at Saint Matthew Custard Cup Run 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Pick up at TBYC

Friday at Chrisman

Top 5 runners in the sixth, seventh, and eight will run in grade races the rest will run in the open see instructions
  I will be bringing water, Gatorade, and ice bucket. runners bring towels to soak in ice water before the race. It suppose to be hot that day  

Important. Please let me know if you are not Running at Cow Chip Race. I can move runners out of the open into grade race

Race Instructions:  The races will run by grades.  Girls and Boys from the same grades will start at the same box together and run the course together, then go into separate chutes at the finish line.  Please stress to your runners that Girls will go to the chute on the left and boys to the chute on the right.  Every year it is a problem that runners go to the wrong chute and lose time and cause confusion.  The chutes will be clearly marked to avoid confusion. 
Note: If the coach has a runner who would like to compete at a different grade level they may be put into a higher grade race only--they will not be allowed to move down!  Their placing will be awarded for the race they run in. 
Due to an increase number of participants, some of the races have become too large to manage. Therefore we will have an OPEN Race for Boys and Girls to be run after the 8th grade race!

Here is how it will work.   For the 6th gr. race, 7th gr. race, and 8th gr. race (not the 5th gr. race), each school will be limited to 5 girls and 5 boys.  These should be the better runners. Additional runners will race in the OPEN. It will be a mix of 6-8th graders, which will follow the 8th grade race. The OPEN would be the same as the others races, with boys and girls starting together and finishing in separate chutes. We will award the top 10 OPEN finishers a medal as they cross the finish line, but will NOT keep their times or information for results. There will be a timer at the chute reading times, but it is up to the schools to keep records if they choose. 

Location:  In the cow pasture behind Chrisman Jr. and Sr. High School, Chrisman, IL.

Date:  Friday, September 4, 4:00 pm.

Order of Events and Times: These are approximate times for the races.  It is the runner’s responsibility to be in the area of the starting line once the race preceding theirs has begun!  We do not wait for one race to be over before the next one begins. Suggestion:  If you feel like you have a runner who cannot finish their race in 20 minutes or less please put them in the OPEN.            
                 5th grade race                        4:00
                 6th grade race                        4:15
                 7th grade race                        4:30
                 8th grade race                        4:45
                 OPEN RACE for grades 6-8     5:00 
                 Awards & Results                    5:30 Outside near team camp sites

Awards:  Trophies will be awarded for the top 5 girls and top 5  boys of each grade.  A trophy will also be awarded to the fastest overall girl and boy runner of the meet. Medallions will be passed out for the top 10 OPEN girl and boy runners. There will be NO team scoring or team trophies! Results will be emailed to schools following the meet. Some MAY be available at the awards ceremony for coaches to pick up. NONE  will be mailed unless specially requested by those unable to stay for awards.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

week 4

What a Saber Race. Thanks for you help over 800 runners

Thanks to all the helpers. The race ran great. 16 runners PR from last year. Excellent considering the conditions Great Job
Monday  Practice
Tuesday Race PBL walked course at 3:00am
Wednesday Practice
Thursday Practice
Friday Day off
Saturday  Edison Race at Robenson Park walk the course at 7:45am

PBL Race

Can’t believe the season is starting.  

Tuesday’s FABULOUS FOUR MEET (PBL, Holy Cross, St. Matts, Franklin are scheduled) meet will begin at 4:15 with the girls running first followed by the boys, at about 4:45.   Email me the number of boys and girls you have on your squad so we know how many to expect in each race.  I do NOT need names.

Just a couple of reminders:
1.        The course is the same, and is CLEARLY marked with a solid line.
2.       ONLY use the restrooms in the JH.  I will have cones next to the doors, as in the past.
3.       Results will be sent to you via email after the meet and available on our team website,
4.       There are no water spigots out in that area, so make sure to bring what you need for your team.
5.       Set your camp in the area closer to the starting line.  PLEASE avoid setting your camp in the finish line area.

Edison Race

Date:          Saturday, August 29, 2015
Location:     Robeson Park (Champaign)

Schedule of events:
         8:30 AM           Coaches meeting (PLEASE READ SECTION CONCERNING ID TAGS)
            9:00 AM           Varsity Girls
            9:30 AM           Varsity Boys
            10:00AM          Combined Open
            10:30 AM         Combined Newcomer 1 mile race (this race if for all first time XC runners)

            Award ceremony will follow completion of the newcomer race.
Medals will be given to:
                        Top 15 runners in Varsity Girls
                        Top 15 runners in Varsity Boys
                        Top 15 runners in Combined Open
                        Top 15 runners in Combined Newcomer

            Plaques will be given to the top 3varsity teams for girls and the top 3

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Week 3

Great Job runners everyone received their uniform.

Our next goal will be to run 24 minutes for 2 mile to qualify for Custard cup run.

Saber Corn Race this Saturday.  @ Saint Thomas More High School.  Also,
Parent meeting at 8:00 am  @ Saint Matthew Tent at Saint Thomas More.
We will need 20 parents Volunteers to help out at the Saber Race
6 people for timing
6 people for finishing Line
6 people for results.
2 people hand out Medals
We run a rotations so you can see you child run.
Please email if you can help. 

 Goals easy running, gait analysis, running education

Monday  am practice 8:15 am
 Running easy 2 miles
Gait analysis

Tuesday   am practice 6:15am
Running easy 2 miles
Water Bottle Wars  Bring towels

Wednesday    am practice 6:15am
Running easy
Gait analysis

Thursday    5:00 pm  At Saint Thomas More High School
Race Routine
Warm up Run
Walk the Course
Race  easy  2 mile
Cool down

Friday  No practice uniforms pick up after school in Ms Mack's room

Saturday  Race  Saber Corn Race
 Meet at 7:30am
Volunteers meet at finish line at 7:45 am
Jog the Course
Stretch and pull out
Pick leaders for each grade (leaders will be responsible for cool down after race meet at the Tent)
First Race  5th grade 9:00am
Second Race 6th grade to follow
Third Race, 7th grade to Follow
Fourth Race, 8th grade to Follow
Fifth Race, 1/2 or 1 mile Race to follow9 ( open to sibling, parents and friends)
Clean Up Everyone helps will be done by 11:00am

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Week 2

Goggle calendar is done you can download it off the Blog

Goal this week is easy running and be able to run without stopping. Testing starts this week for uniforms

We will have the shirts at practice  $15

Monday Practice 

Tuesday Uniform testing. Need to run the course without walking

Wednesday. Practice

Thursday Practice and  Uniform testing

Friday  Camp Rose

Please RSVP So we have enough pizza

Kathryn and I will be providing pizza and drink. If some wants to bring something to share that is great. I will post the numbers coming. Please use the yahoo group to let everyone know who is bring something to share


Time 9:00am  to 11:30 am

We leave my house and will be running the trails at Mahomet. Please be on time 

Where Coach Rose 's House

1207 lakeside Lane Mahomet Il 61853
Plan  Running 2 mile Race
       Pizza and Drink