Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 9

The Results for Saint Joe are in. Great Job Running.

Next week will be are Hardest week.  

Mental conditioning for Races 

Every runners needs to come with a saying about how to run at a race that applys to life. 
Hill repeats for those without a saying or repeats another runners' saying so look at a couple sayings. Starts Monday

Saber motto is excluded

Coaches will be deciding on final 10 runners for State.
if you want to be considered practice is mandatory.

Monday Practice Orchard downs 5-6:15 pm
Tuesday Unity County Race  Walk course at 2:30pm
Wednesday Practice Orchard Downs 5-6:15pm
Thursday  Culvers run  parents pick up at Culvers at5-6pm
Friday Practice for 8 grades only 3:00pm at Saint Matthews
Saturday Race Monticello at Lodge Park
Sunday Run on your own 3-5 miles easy running

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