Saturday, September 17, 2011

Great Job !!
Boys  Team 2nd place Friday  @ Holy Trinity
Girls team 1st place  Friday  @ Holy Trinity
Girls team 2nd place Saturday @ Mahomet
Overall School Award   Friday  @ Holy Trinity
Great times.
Next week will be one of are hardest weeks. SPEED WEEK
Monday Orchard Downs
Tuesday Kickapoo (Sectional Course)
Wednesday Hill workout at Savoy
Thursday Culvers Run.  If you can not run 3 miles you are excuse from this practice
Friday  Saint Joesph Grade School.  5 and 6th grade starts at 3:30 pm. Make sure you study the Map on the Blog. We walk the course at 3:00 sharp.
Saturday  Pancake run.  Optional, any one that wants to run out at Mahomet trails at 8:00 am  I will make them pancakes after our run.  Need to RSVP  8:00 to 10:00

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