Saturday, August 31, 2013

Week 5

 What a great race Today. Runners did great. I saw our runners passing in last 8oo meters. Great Job
Girls got 4th
Boys got 5th
Luke and Marguerite placed in top 15
Great Job runners.
It important to keep up the mileage this week.
Monday the 9th two mile  Safety test for Custard Cup. 
Need to run two miles in 20 minutes to go to Custard Cup 
It is important that everyone stays together  when running on the Streets in Champaign
Everyone will be tested even coaches and parents that want to go to Custard Cup

Monday No practice run 4-5 miles on your own in the Morning
Tuesday Orchard Downs Hill work out  5:00 to 6:15pm
Wednesday Orchard Downs Hill work out  5:00 to 6:15pm
Thursday Day   Orchard Downs  Easy running 5:00 to 6:00 pm Water bottle fights
Friday  Chrisman  ( If your runner is not going I need to Know  ASAP
             Leave  by 1:45 pm  long drive eat on the way. 
            Will take over a hour to get to the School
             Course walk at 3:00pm. Don't be late
             5th Grade at 4:00 pm
             6th Top 5 runners will run in the 6,7and 8 race

This is Fun and Challenging  race. St Matts' runners do very well at this race

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Week 4

Results are Posted  Top Ten
Great running !! Check your results and compare  you times with last year in cooler weather

Monday  5:00-6:15 pm   Orchard Downs  Long run

Tuesday  Paxton Race  Girls race 4:15  Course walk at 3:15 pm

Wednesday 5:00-6:15pm Orchard Downs

Thursday 5:00-6:15 Orchard Downs

Friday  No practice

Saturday   Edison Race at Robeson Park Champaign
                  Course walk at 8:30am
                  Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys, Open Girls, Open boys, One mile race
                   Top 10 awards and team awards at end of race.
                   Runners have option to leave after their Race

Have a size problem with your uniform. See Mr. Mears

Varsity Girl  Top 7 runners ( Saber and Paxton Meet)
Varsity Boy Top 7 runners  (Saber and Paxton Meet)

Other sports conflicting with practice make sure you are getting your long runs in 4-5 miles in the Morning to stay competitive

See map for Paxton Race


Thursday, August 15, 2013

week 3 Cross country

Monday  6:15-7:30 am Orchard Downs

Tuesday 6:15-7-30 am Saint Matthews New Gym parking lot
               7:30am New Gym  Uniforms issue
Wednesday 6:15am to 7:30 am Orchard Downs

Thursday  5:00pm to 6:15 pm Saint Thomas More High School Mock 2 mile Race
                  We will walk the course at 5:00pm
                   Race at 5:30pm
                   Cool down at 6:00pm
Parents help out at the race please come to work out logistics.
 we will need 10- 12 parents helping

Friday No practice

Saber Corn Race at Saint Thomas More
Meet at 7:45
Walk the course at 8:00
Group Stretch at 8:30
Coaches Meeting 8:40
First Race at 9:00 (20 Schools) 5th boys and girls
Cool down with your grade

Sunday 2-3 mile Run

Monday, August 12, 2013

Schedule update 8/12/2013

Saint Matthew Cross Country Schedule 2013   Update 8/8/2013

Work Number 217-352-7337

Cell Number 217 586 -2708 <>;

Meet requirements

1.       Course walk 1 hour before race

2.        Please arrive early enough to walk the course

3.       Race

4.       cool down and stretch by groups

Schedule 2013                               Race Start                         Early dismissal

8/24      Saber Corn Race             9:00am

8/27      Paxton Race                     4:15pm

8/31      Edison Invitional             9:00am

9/6        Chrisman Race                4:00pm                             1:45pm

9/12      Dawson Creek                 4:00pm                             2:00pm

9/14      Parkside Race                  9:00am

9/17      Paxton Race                     4:15pm

9/21      Mahomet                         9:00am

9/24      Urbana                              4:00pm

9/27      Saint Joe                           3:30pm                             2:00pm

10/1      Unity                                  3:30pm                             2:00pm

10/5      Monticello                        9:00am

10/8      Paxton Invitational         4:15pm

10/12    Sectional (STM)               10:00pm

10/19    State                                  9:00am

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Friday 1 mile time trial

Parents come out and cheer on the runners.  We will be  simulate a race conditions.

Where: Orchard Downs
Time:  6:30am Walk the Course
            6:50 Prep for race Stretch, pullouts
            7:15 Race Start
            7:30 Cool down
            7:40  Water bottle fight
            7:50 Bagels post race party
             8:00  Pickup

Kathryn and I will be providing Gatorade  cream cheese and bagels.
If other parents want to bring something to share it  is okay. 

I will need 4 parents to help with the race.

Evaluate a course
Warm-up techniques
Racing  strategy
Cool down protocol

Goal is to Personal Record (PR) at each race and prevent injury.

This weekend try and run a couple of miles a day


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Balance Week 1

Hello Runners,

Blog is being updated.  See you soon at Orchard Down Course.  This is are primary site to practice.

We will start running at 6:15 am Sharp. The course is on the map .

Check out the New video  on the Blog  they get me going in the morning

Parents have questions, see me at practice or email me.

Looking to have a great season
