Thursday, August 8, 2013

Friday 1 mile time trial

Parents come out and cheer on the runners.  We will be  simulate a race conditions.

Where: Orchard Downs
Time:  6:30am Walk the Course
            6:50 Prep for race Stretch, pullouts
            7:15 Race Start
            7:30 Cool down
            7:40  Water bottle fight
            7:50 Bagels post race party
             8:00  Pickup

Kathryn and I will be providing Gatorade  cream cheese and bagels.
If other parents want to bring something to share it  is okay. 

I will need 4 parents to help with the race.

Evaluate a course
Warm-up techniques
Racing  strategy
Cool down protocol

Goal is to Personal Record (PR) at each race and prevent injury.

This weekend try and run a couple of miles a day


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