Saturday, August 30, 2014

Edison Meet & Next week

Weather was warm. Wind at zero
Great Job at the race. 15 runners PR.s
Biggest PR s goes  to Michelle and Tate  Tate drop over a minute.

Next week we get ready for Cow Chip
Early dismissal forms will be sent out Sunday.
Signed and return to Ms. Wilberg ,

Next week
Monday (optional)  Panera run at 6:30 to 7:45 am . I am buying bagels for all runners
Tuesday 5 to 6:15pm Orchard downs
Wednesday 5 to 6:15 Orchard downs
Thursday 5:6:15 at Saint Matthews School  Custard cup Run. Pick-up at Custard Cup.
You need to be at  least one of the Tuesday or Wednesday practice to eligible for custard cup run.
Friday  Chrisman  Cow Chip run.  Leave school at 1:45.

Personal note If you leave with you child or runners please let the Parents or Coaches know. We were very worry when we lost a runner today.

Monday easy run
Tuesday Hills
Wednesday Hills
Thursday easy run
Friday Race

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