Monday, October 21, 2013

What a season

Boy finish 5th and girls finish 3rd. Great Season!!!
Should be proud of the hard work.
See you at the party

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sectional Champs

Great Job. One more step to State Glory
Girls team 25
Boy team 35
Very impressive
It has been an honor to run with you.

If any one wants  to be in charge of Ordering State  Clothing here is the web site
It has to be turn in on Wednesday

Monday 6:15am practice  St Matts
Tuesday 2:30 pm practice run to Custard Cup pickup at 3:30pm
Wednesday 6:15am practice St Matts
Thursday run at 6:15am
Friday run on you own or group no practice  Pep Rally  ( State Shirts)
Saturday  Arrive at 7:30
                Course Walk at 8:00am
                At the Line at 9:10
                Race at 9:30am
                800 meters at 9:33am
                1600 meters at 9:36am
                2400 meters at 9:9:40am
               32oo meters at 9:42:30am   12:30 time
Top 25 at State
Boys       At the Line at 9:55am
                Race at10:15am
                800 meters at 10:18am
                1600 meters at 10:21am
                2400 meters at 10:23:45am
                32oo meters at 10:26:30 am    11:30 time
Top 25 at State

Reach for Glory You work Hard for it. It is yours for taking

Friday, October 11, 2013


Sleep well
Eat well
Prepare for rain and possible delays(food, socks and rain gear)
 Girls run at 10:00
 Boys run at 10:40
Helpers meeting at 8:30 am

All 10 runners will prepare to run

See you there


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 10

Great Job running. You should be proud of your accomplishments
Boy and Girls Take 2nd at Monticello.

Boys State Team

1.   Luke Manolakes
2.   Joe Stilger
3.   Liam Ferria
4.   Michael Lee
5.   Diarmund Reilly
6.   Evan Czys
7.   Drake Elliott
8.   Michael Hynds
9.   Alex Ahmari
10.  Chance Yentis

Girls State Team
1.   Marguerite Hendrickson
2.   Frances Hendrickson
3.   Morgan Cinnamon
4.   Dianna Boyer
5.   Libby Cultra
6.   Clarie Pollard
7.   Dana Hergenrother
8.   Elieen Drew
9.   Brooke Braverman
10   Elizabeth Gile

Mandatory Practice next 2 weeks.  
I have schedule morning practice to get us ready for Sectional and State.
If you can not attend practices I need to know by Tuesday before I submit Final Roster to State
If its lighting in morning practice we will practice in the afternoon at 2;45 PM meet in Coach Gumble's Classroom.
All Ten Runners will be preparing to run at Sectional and State. Only seven will run the race

Week 10

Monday. practice at 5:00- 6:15  JELLO  WARS @SAINT MATTS
     last practice for runners, not in the top ten 


Panther Cross Country Invitational
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Starting Race Times:
4:15 – Boys 5th & 6th              4:17 – Girls 5th & 6th   - Note this race starts two minutes after the boys.
4:45 – Girls 7th & 8th               5:15 – Boys 7th & 8th   

Restrooms and Tents: Restrooms are located in the junior high school.  Please use either set of west doors where the two sets of 3 cones on the blacktop are located .  NO SPIKES in the school.  Team tents are to be located in the grass area just to the SOUTH or NORTH of the starting line. See Map.  DO NOT place camps in the finish area, around our Maintenance (Brown) Building, or Greenhouse.

Bus Parking:  Please drop your students off in the course area then park buses on the EAST or NORTH side of the school, see Map.

Roster & Wrist Bands: Please check your roster.  If there are major mistakes, please let me know immediately.  You do not need to report someone not participating.  Match the number of the wrist band to the name and number on your roster.  Make sure the wrist band is tight enough so that it does not fall off during the race and that the NUMBER faces out so we can easily see the assigned number as the athletes walk through the chute.  Girls are wearing pink or gold and the boys are wearing blue.

The Course:  The course is around the perimeter of the school grounds and is roped.  Please remind spectators to remain behind the ropes during the race, especially in the finish area. 

Awards:  Will be distributed at the finish line:
Boys 5th & 6th – Medals 1 – 20          Girls 5th & 6th – Medals 1 – 20
Boys 7th & 8th – Medals 1 – 20           Girls 7th & 8th – Medals 1 – 20
Participation Ribbons for places after 20.

Results:  Complete results will be available on the PBLJH Cross Country website at  Click on 2013 Meet Results.

Box Assignments:

1.     Oakwood
2.     Monticello
3.     St. Thomas
4.     Urbana
5.     Rantoul
6.     PBL
7.     Uni High
8.     Franklin
9.     St. Matthew
10.  J L Nash
11.  Unity
12.  Holy Cross
13.  Crescent City
14.  Jefferson
15.  Rossville
16.  Tri Valley
17.  Danville Northridge
18.  Schlarman
19.  Edison

Wednesday 6:15am-7:30am     Eating at gym before School

Thursday     6:15am-7:30am

Friday          6:15am 7:30am
aturday Sectional Race
        arrive at 8:45am
        Course walk at 9:00am
        Girls race 10:00am
        Boy race 10:40am
        Open Race all runners of cross country teams that are not running at sectional
        Award to follow the Open Race
          Top 3 Schools advancing to state
          Top 10 runners
          individual runners advancing to state

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Monticello Race

 Great Job
Boys took home 2 at the County Race in Tolono
Girls took Home 1 at the County Race in Tolono

Girls Varisity for Monticello

Boys Varsity for Monticello
Michael Lee

 Arrive at 7:30 am 

 Walk the Course 7:45am (Difficut course do not miss course walk.  Dress Warm) No long sleeve undergarments. prepare for possible rain. extra socks

Event Times: 
Girls Varsity     --       9:00 a.m.         
Boys Varsity    --       9:20 a.m.       
 Girls Open     --       9:40 a.m.
 Boys Open      --     10:10 a.m.

Warm-Up:  The course will close for warm-up at 8:55 a.m.  Girls Varsity will start promptly at 9:00 a.m.

Awards:  Awards will be given to the top 25 finishers in the varsity races and top 10 finishers in the open races.  The top three teams will be awarded at the completion of the open race.  Race results will ONLY BE AVAILABLE on the Monticello Track and Field website
sagestrackandfield/.  No results will be faxed.  Expect posting of results 90 minutes after the conclusion of the awards ceremony.

Concession:  A concession stand will remain open throughout the morning.

Tee Shirts:  A limited number of special invitational tee shirts will be on sale.  Shop early before they run out!

Lodge Park:  The park is located north of Monticello on old Illinois Route 47 approximately one mile north of the Market Street Exit on Interstate 72.  You will be directed to the parking area.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 9

The Results for Saint Joe are in. Great Job Running.

Next week will be are Hardest week.  

Mental conditioning for Races 

Every runners needs to come with a saying about how to run at a race that applys to life. 
Hill repeats for those without a saying or repeats another runners' saying so look at a couple sayings. Starts Monday

Saber motto is excluded

Coaches will be deciding on final 10 runners for State.
if you want to be considered practice is mandatory.

Monday Practice Orchard downs 5-6:15 pm
Tuesday Unity County Race  Walk course at 2:30pm
Wednesday Practice Orchard Downs 5-6:15pm
Thursday  Culvers run  parents pick up at Culvers at5-6pm
Friday Practice for 8 grades only 3:00pm at Saint Matthews
Saturday Race Monticello at Lodge Park
Sunday Run on your own 3-5 miles easy running

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Urbana Race

Good Job Running.!!!!!!

24 days until state.  

Need to focus on  the Mental Game. 

Practice running out of the comfort zone.

What do I want to accomplish in the next 3 weeks

I want to break 16:00
I want to break 15:00
I want to break 14:00
I want to break 13:00
I want to break 12:00
I want to break 11:00
I want to be state Champ

Boys 11:30 time  Metal at State

Girls 12:30 time Metal at State

5 boys running under 12:15  top 10 at state
5 Boys running under 12:00  Top 4 at State
5 boys running under 11:30  State Champaion

5 girls running under 13:00 Top 8 at State
5 Girls running under 12:45 Top 4 at State
5 girls running under 12:30 State Champion

Races Left
Saint Joe
Unity County Race
PBL invitational

Next week we will be cutting back miles and increasing speed.
It is important to focus on :

Eating right
Home work

Wednesday   Potatoe chip race and banana carry
Thursday  Short practice 1 hour
Friday  St Joe Race 2:30 course walk

Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 8

Great Job running at Mahomet. Girls Varsity  2nd Place
Results are posted
Next Three races will be critical for runners wanting to make the state team.

Monday Orchard Down  Long easy running
Tuesday Urbana meet  course walk at 3:45   top ten will be running  in the Varsity races
Wednesday Orchard  Downs  speed workout
Thursday  Orchard Downs speed workout
Friday  Saint Joseph  Course walk is at 2:30pm. 5th and 6th go off at 3:30, so don't miss the walk
Saturday  need parents and runners to help at Orange and Brew's parking lot. Fundraiser. Contact
                 Mr Manolakes for time.  Pizza for all runners that help out
Sunday  Easy running

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Urbana Race


3:45  Course Walk
4:45 p.m.  Girls Varsity (enter 10)
5:10 p.m.  Boys Varsity (enter 10)
10 medals/2 Team plaques (7 finishers scored)
5:35 p.m. Open (unlimited)/6:00 Awards
Follow Cunningham/Vine to stop sign at Washington Street and turn east.
Follow to second stop sign at Lierman.
Turn left and enter at Brookens Center Sign


Monday, September 16, 2013

Mathomet-Seymour Race Sept 21

Arrive at 7:45am
Course Walk at 8:00am

Order of Events
Girls Team           9:00am
Boys Team           9:20am
Girls Open           9:40am
Boys Open         10:10 am
Awards              10:30am

Optional  Cool down to Coach Rose House (1 mile) Swimming

Awards  Top Ten  and Team

Race at Elks Lake Area near bell tower  Lake of the Woods

Parking is very limited get there early.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week 7

 What a great week. 

Started with three hot practices and
Two races with over 50 PRs    Do you Believe ?
Great Job

Team competitions is heating up 
Runners are believing in themselves

Parkside Team Results
16.   464 SAINT MATTHEWS            (1:01:06, 12:13.13, 0:52)
         66    74    75   117   132 (144)
 Boy team average 12:13    Need 11:45 to place at state

10.   267 SAINT MATTHEWS            (1:04:56, 12:59.11, 0:30)
         35    46    57    62    67  (89) (103)
Girls team Average 12:59  Need 12:25 to place at state

Runners Goals
  Do your School Work
  Eat right
  Sleep right
  Girls  goal 12:30 or better for All State
  Boys goal 11:30 or better for All State
  Most important Thank God

Monday Practice  Orchard Downs  5-6:15 Long run
Tuesday PBL  
Wednesday  Orchard Downs 5-6:15 Hill Run
Thursday Orchard Downs- Custard Cup   Pick-up at Custard Cup 5- 6:15
Friday No practice
Saturday  Mahomet  Lake of the woods  swimming pool after  Arrive 7:30am Course walk 7:45am

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Parside Race

Meet at  7:45 Saint Matts' Tent
Walk the course at 8:00
Stretch and bibs at 8:45
Girls Varsity  check in at line 9:10
Boys Varsity check in at line  9:40
Girls open check in at line 10:10
Boys open check in at line 10:40

We will be spending a lot of time on the course walk. This is a large race You will need to get to line on your own I will be on the course most of the time.

Once your race is finish , meet with your fellow runners of that race  and do a cool down. You can then leave. We usual don"t  stay for the results

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Parkside Race Saturday Sept 14th

Meet Information:

Each athlete will be assigned a BIB number. The timing chip will be included in the BIB. This item will be in your coach’s packet.
You decide on meet day which of the four races you want your athletes to race.
Remember there is a limit of seven runners on a team in the varsity races.

Team busses will not be allowed to park in the Parkside JH parking lot.
Athletes can be dropped off in the bus lane. Busses will then exit the bus lane and park either by Champions Field or Normal West HS. Both parking lots are north of Parkside close to Maxwell Park.

Coaches Meeting 9:00

Girl’s Varsity Race 9:30

Boy’s Varsity Race 10:00

Girl’s Open Race 10:30

Boy’s Open Race 11:00

Awards in the Gym 12:00

Team trophies go to the top three schools in the varsity races. We do not team score the open races. We present 25 individual medals for the varsity and open races.

Results will be posted after the awards ceremony outside the gym. We will also post the results online; the site will be announced at the awards ceremony.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Chrisman Results

What a Race.!!!!!

 Results are posted  please check the results for errors

 My Voice will be back my Monday

33 Runners PR (Personal Record)

Carmen is Winner with over 2 minutes off you time

Girls brought home 9 Trophies
Boys brought home4 Trophies

Great Job everyone.

Cow chip Race

Text Box:     Reminder ……
It’s Cow Chip time again!!
General Meet Information Sheet

Race Instructions:  The races will be run  by grades.  Girls and Boys from the same grades will start at the same time and run the course together, then go into separate chutes at the finish line.  Please stress to your runners that Girls will go to the chute on the left and boys to the chute on the right.  Every year it is a problem that runners go to the wrong chute and lose time and cause confusion.  The chutes will be clearly marked to avoid confusion. 
Note: If the coach has a runner who would like to compete at a different grade level they may be put into a higher grade race only--they will not be allowed to move down!  Their placing will be awarded for the race they run in. 
Added last year!!  Due to an increase number of participants, some of the races have become too large to manage. Therefore we will have an OPEN Race for Boys and Girls to be run after the 8th grade race!
Here is how it will work.   For the 6th gr. race, 7th gr. race, and 8th gr. race (not the 5th gr. race), each school will be limited to 5 girls and 5 boys.  These should be the better runners. Additional runners will race in the OPEN. It will be a mix of 6-8th graders, which will again be run following the 8th grade race. The OPEN would be as the others races, with boys and girls starting together and finishing in separate chutes. We will award the top 10 OPEN finishers a medal as they cross the finish line, but will NOT keep their times or information for results. There will be a timer at the chute reading times, but it is up to the schools to keep records if they choose. 

Location:  In the cow pasture behind Chrisman Jr. and Sr. High School, Chrisman, IL.
Date:  Friday, September 6, 2013 , 4:00 pm.

Order of Events and Times: These are approximate times for the races.  It is the runner’s responsibility to be in the area of the starting line once the race preceding theirs has begun!  We do not wait for one race to be over before the next one begins. Suggestion:  If you feel like you have a runner who cannot finish their race in 20 minutes or less please put them in the OPEN.         
                 5th grade race                        4:00
                 6th grade race                        4:15
                 7th grade race                        4:30
                 8th grade race                        4:45
                 OPEN RACE for grades 6-8     5:00 
                 Awards & Results                    5:30 inside HS gym
Awards:  Trophies will be awarded for the top 5 girls and top 5 boys of each grade.  A trophy will also be awarded to the fastest overall girl and boy runner of the meet. Medallions will be passed out for the top 10 OPEN girl and boy runners. There will be NO team scoring or team trophies! Results will be emailed to schools following the meet. Some MAY be available at the awards ceremony for coaches to pick up. NONE  will be mailed unless specially requested by those unable to stay for awards.
Please EMAIL the entry information by Tuesday, Sept. 3 !

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Week 5

 What a great race Today. Runners did great. I saw our runners passing in last 8oo meters. Great Job
Girls got 4th
Boys got 5th
Luke and Marguerite placed in top 15
Great Job runners.
It important to keep up the mileage this week.
Monday the 9th two mile  Safety test for Custard Cup. 
Need to run two miles in 20 minutes to go to Custard Cup 
It is important that everyone stays together  when running on the Streets in Champaign
Everyone will be tested even coaches and parents that want to go to Custard Cup

Monday No practice run 4-5 miles on your own in the Morning
Tuesday Orchard Downs Hill work out  5:00 to 6:15pm
Wednesday Orchard Downs Hill work out  5:00 to 6:15pm
Thursday Day   Orchard Downs  Easy running 5:00 to 6:00 pm Water bottle fights
Friday  Chrisman  ( If your runner is not going I need to Know  ASAP
             Leave  by 1:45 pm  long drive eat on the way. 
            Will take over a hour to get to the School
             Course walk at 3:00pm. Don't be late
             5th Grade at 4:00 pm
             6th Top 5 runners will run in the 6,7and 8 race

This is Fun and Challenging  race. St Matts' runners do very well at this race

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Week 4

Results are Posted  Top Ten
Great running !! Check your results and compare  you times with last year in cooler weather

Monday  5:00-6:15 pm   Orchard Downs  Long run

Tuesday  Paxton Race  Girls race 4:15  Course walk at 3:15 pm

Wednesday 5:00-6:15pm Orchard Downs

Thursday 5:00-6:15 Orchard Downs

Friday  No practice

Saturday   Edison Race at Robeson Park Champaign
                  Course walk at 8:30am
                  Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys, Open Girls, Open boys, One mile race
                   Top 10 awards and team awards at end of race.
                   Runners have option to leave after their Race

Have a size problem with your uniform. See Mr. Mears

Varsity Girl  Top 7 runners ( Saber and Paxton Meet)
Varsity Boy Top 7 runners  (Saber and Paxton Meet)

Other sports conflicting with practice make sure you are getting your long runs in 4-5 miles in the Morning to stay competitive

See map for Paxton Race


Thursday, August 15, 2013

week 3 Cross country

Monday  6:15-7:30 am Orchard Downs

Tuesday 6:15-7-30 am Saint Matthews New Gym parking lot
               7:30am New Gym  Uniforms issue
Wednesday 6:15am to 7:30 am Orchard Downs

Thursday  5:00pm to 6:15 pm Saint Thomas More High School Mock 2 mile Race
                  We will walk the course at 5:00pm
                   Race at 5:30pm
                   Cool down at 6:00pm
Parents help out at the race please come to work out logistics.
 we will need 10- 12 parents helping

Friday No practice

Saber Corn Race at Saint Thomas More
Meet at 7:45
Walk the course at 8:00
Group Stretch at 8:30
Coaches Meeting 8:40
First Race at 9:00 (20 Schools) 5th boys and girls
Cool down with your grade

Sunday 2-3 mile Run

Monday, August 12, 2013

Schedule update 8/12/2013

Saint Matthew Cross Country Schedule 2013   Update 8/8/2013

Work Number 217-352-7337

Cell Number 217 586 -2708 <>;

Meet requirements

1.       Course walk 1 hour before race

2.        Please arrive early enough to walk the course

3.       Race

4.       cool down and stretch by groups

Schedule 2013                               Race Start                         Early dismissal

8/24      Saber Corn Race             9:00am

8/27      Paxton Race                     4:15pm

8/31      Edison Invitional             9:00am

9/6        Chrisman Race                4:00pm                             1:45pm

9/12      Dawson Creek                 4:00pm                             2:00pm

9/14      Parkside Race                  9:00am

9/17      Paxton Race                     4:15pm

9/21      Mahomet                         9:00am

9/24      Urbana                              4:00pm

9/27      Saint Joe                           3:30pm                             2:00pm

10/1      Unity                                  3:30pm                             2:00pm

10/5      Monticello                        9:00am

10/8      Paxton Invitational         4:15pm

10/12    Sectional (STM)               10:00pm

10/19    State                                  9:00am

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Friday 1 mile time trial

Parents come out and cheer on the runners.  We will be  simulate a race conditions.

Where: Orchard Downs
Time:  6:30am Walk the Course
            6:50 Prep for race Stretch, pullouts
            7:15 Race Start
            7:30 Cool down
            7:40  Water bottle fight
            7:50 Bagels post race party
             8:00  Pickup

Kathryn and I will be providing Gatorade  cream cheese and bagels.
If other parents want to bring something to share it  is okay. 

I will need 4 parents to help with the race.

Evaluate a course
Warm-up techniques
Racing  strategy
Cool down protocol

Goal is to Personal Record (PR) at each race and prevent injury.

This weekend try and run a couple of miles a day


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Balance Week 1

Hello Runners,

Blog is being updated.  See you soon at Orchard Down Course.  This is are primary site to practice.

We will start running at 6:15 am Sharp. The course is on the map .

Check out the New video  on the Blog  they get me going in the morning

Parents have questions, see me at practice or email me.

Looking to have a great season


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mile times

Please submit your mile times. And how many miles you are running per week

Coach.  See you at the July 4th race in Champaign. New start time 9:00 am

Monday, May 6, 2013